The most important thing about fighting is: the ability to relax, control your emotions and breathe. Tensing up physically,not thinking straight mentally will result with improper breathing patterns, that leads to quicker fatigue. Therefore, losing the match to a veteran, more experience, fighter. You got to remember to breathe as a fighter and not hold your breath during physical excersion, as simple as that sounds, it takes practice.
Give me a sense of humor, Lord. Give me the grace to see a joke. To get some humor out of life. And pass it on to other folk. Hope you enjoy it. Fr. Thomas
Wake Up Call
Why didn't you save the school children at ?
Northern Illinois University
Virginia Tech
Amish Country, PA
Columbine High School
Moses Lake, Washington 2/2/96
Bethel , Alaska 2/19/97!
Pearl , Mississippi 10/1/97
West Paducah , Kentucky 12/1/97
Stam P, Arkansas 12/15/97
Jonesboro , Arkansas 3/24/98
Edinboro , Pennsylvania 4/24/98
Fayetteville , Tennessee 5/19/98
Springfield , Oregon 5/21/98
Richmond , Virginia 6/15/98
Littleton , Colorado 4/20/99
Taber , Alberta, Canada 5/28/99
Conyers , Georgia5/20/99
Deming , New Mexico 11/19/99
Fort Gibson , Oklahoma 12/6/99
Santee , California 3/ 5/01 and
El Cajon , California 3/22/01?
Concerned Student
Dear Concerned Student:I am not allowed in schools..
How did this get started?....
Let's see,I think it started when Madeline Murray O'Hare complainedShe didn't want any prayer in our schools.
And we said, OK...
Someone said you better not read the Bible in school,
The Bible that says'Thou shalt! Not kill,Thou shalt not steal,And love your neighbors as yourself,'And we said, OK...
Dr. Benjamin Spock saidWe shouldn't spank our childrenwhen they misbehaved
because their little personalitieswould be warped and we might damage their self-esteem.
And we said,
An expert should know what he's talking about.
So we won't spank them anymore...
Then someone said
Teachers and principals better not
Discipline our children when they misbehave.
And the school administrators said
No faculty member in this school
Better touch a student when they misbehave
Because we don't want any bad publicity,
And we surely don't want to be sued.
And we accepted their
And the entertainment industry said,let's make TV shows and movies that promote
Profanity, violence and illicit sex...And let's record music that encourages
Rape, drugs, murder, suicide, and satanic themes..
And we said,it's just entertainment
And it has no adverse effect
And nobody takes it seriously anyway,
So go right ahead.
Now we're asking ourselves
Why our children have no conscience,
Why they don't know right from wrong,
And why it doesn't bother them toKill strangers, classmates or even themselves.
Undoubtedly,If we thought about it long and hard enough,We could figure it out.
I'm sure it has a great deal to do with...'WE REAP WHAT WE SOW,'
Pass it on If you think it has merit! But if you discard this thought process,Then don't sit back and complain aboutwhat bad shape this country is in!
Northern Illinois University
Virginia Tech
Amish Country, PA
Columbine High School
Moses Lake, Washington 2/2/96
Bethel , Alaska 2/19/97!
Pearl , Mississippi 10/1/97
West Paducah , Kentucky 12/1/97
Stam P, Arkansas 12/15/97
Jonesboro , Arkansas 3/24/98
Edinboro , Pennsylvania 4/24/98
Fayetteville , Tennessee 5/19/98
Springfield , Oregon 5/21/98
Richmond , Virginia 6/15/98
Littleton , Colorado 4/20/99
Taber , Alberta, Canada 5/28/99
Conyers , Georgia5/20/99
Deming , New Mexico 11/19/99
Fort Gibson , Oklahoma 12/6/99
Santee , California 3/ 5/01 and
El Cajon , California 3/22/01?
Concerned Student
Dear Concerned Student:I am not allowed in schools..
How did this get started?....
Let's see,I think it started when Madeline Murray O'Hare complainedShe didn't want any prayer in our schools.
And we said, OK...
Someone said you better not read the Bible in school,
The Bible that says'Thou shalt! Not kill,Thou shalt not steal,And love your neighbors as yourself,'And we said, OK...
Dr. Benjamin Spock saidWe shouldn't spank our childrenwhen they misbehaved
because their little personalitieswould be warped and we might damage their self-esteem.
And we said,
An expert should know what he's talking about.
So we won't spank them anymore...
Then someone said
Teachers and principals better not
Discipline our children when they misbehave.
And the school administrators said
No faculty member in this school
Better touch a student when they misbehave
Because we don't want any bad publicity,
And we surely don't want to be sued.
And we accepted their
And the entertainment industry said,let's make TV shows and movies that promote
Profanity, violence and illicit sex...And let's record music that encourages
Rape, drugs, murder, suicide, and satanic themes..
And we said,it's just entertainment
And it has no adverse effect
And nobody takes it seriously anyway,
So go right ahead.
Now we're asking ourselves
Why our children have no conscience,
Why they don't know right from wrong,
And why it doesn't bother them toKill strangers, classmates or even themselves.
Undoubtedly,If we thought about it long and hard enough,We could figure it out.
I'm sure it has a great deal to do with...'WE REAP WHAT WE SOW,'
Pass it on If you think it has merit! But if you discard this thought process,Then don't sit back and complain aboutwhat bad shape this country is in!
Calgary' Bishop Henry
Cites "inane stupidity and gross miscarriage of justice" regarding treatment of Stephen Boissoin
By Thaddeus M. Baklinski
CALGARY, June 23, 2008 ( - Bishop Fred Henry has asked Alberta Premier Ed Stelmach to repeal Section 3(1)(b) of the Alberta Human Rights Act in order to protect the rights of religious freedom and freedom of speech.In a letter to Premier Stelmach, Bishop Henry points out that in the past 18 months he has raised the issue of the Alberta Human Rights Commission (AHRC) several times with the Premier. "On each of those occasions, you said that you understood the issues and shared my concerns.""However," he continues, "the situation is continuing to deteriorate across our country and the various levels of governments are seemingly non-responsive."In particular, the recent ruling by the Alberta Human Rights Commission (AHRC) against Christian youth pastor Stephen Boissoin has convinced the Bishop that decisive measures must be undertaken to curtail the powers of Canada HRCs."Each judgment emanating out of our various human right commissions," writes Bishop Henry, "seems to be more brazen and bizarre than the one that preceded it. However, for inane stupidity and gross miscarriage of justice our own Alberta Human Rights Tribunal deserves to take first prize for its treatment of Stephen Boissoin."Boissoin was convicted by the AHRC for hate speech after he published a letter to the editor in the Red Deer Advocate expressing his disagreement with the radical homosexualist agenda. The AHRC ordered him to pay $7,000 in fines, and to refrain from ever again making "disparaging" remarks about homosexuals, in any venue whatsoever. Mr. Boissoin has also had to resign his job ministering to at-risk youth because of the adverse publicity his case brought to the Christian charity that employed him; as well, he has had to carry the cost of his defence himself.In the world of the HRCs, Bishop Henry writes, "The conflict between social pressure and the demands of right conscience can lead to the dilemma either of abandoning a profession or of compromising one's convictions.""Faced with that tension, despite the ruling of the commission, we must remember that there is a middle path that opens up before workers who are faithful to their conscience. It is the path of conscientious objection, which ought to be respected by all, especially legislators.""Every person has the right to have their religious beliefs reasonably accommodated."Bishop Henry also commented on the April Ontario Human Rights Tribunal ruling, which ordered an evangelical Christian charity, Christian Horizons, to rescind its morality code and require employees to undergo anti-discrimination training. Christian Horizons was also ordered to pay $23,000 plus lost wages for threatening to terminate Connie Heritz's employment. Heritz resigned from her position at Christian Horizons after being told she would likely be fired for having violated the terms of the morality code which she signed by openly living in a lesbian relationship. "Every religious institution should have the jurisdictional independence to determine its own confessions, doctrines and ordinances, including conditions of employment," the Bishop stated.Bishop Henry also criticized a recent Saskatchewan Human Rights Tribunal decision against marriage commissioner Orville Nichols, who was fined $2,500 for refusing to officiate at a same-sex wedding.The letter to Premier Stelmach concluded with a demand to remove provincial human rights legislation that disregards rights listed in the Canadian constitution's Charter of Rights and Freedoms and tramples on freedom of speech."Mr. Premier, we have talked enough about the inadequate provisions of and appointment to the Alberta Human Rights Tribunals. It is time to repeal Section 3(1)(b) of the Alberta Human Rights Act and to protect the rights of religious freedom. Every person has the right to make public statements and participate in public debate on religious grounds."Read related articles:Bishop Henry Adds His Own to the Voices Crying out Against Canada's Human Rights Tribunals
Huge Christian Ministry to Disabled Fined $23,000 For Rejecting Homosexual Employee
Christian Ministry to Disabled Drops its Code of Conduct Under Human Rights Tribunal Pressure
Saskatchewan Marriage Commissioner Fined For Refusing To "Marry" Homosexuals
Marriage Commissioner: "I Couldn't Live With Myself if I Were to Perform Same Sex Marriages"
Arbp. Tom Collins
TORONTO, July 1, 2008 ( - The Archbishop of Toronto has today called on all Catholics in the Canada's largest city to demand that the award of the Order of Canada to arch-abortionist Henry Morgentaler.
The full statement of Archbishop Collins follows:Canada's highest honour has been debased. Henry Morgentaler has been awarded the Order of Canada. We are all diminished.
A community's worth is measured by the way it treats the most vulnerable, and no one is more vulnerable than in the first nine months of life's journey. No person may presume to judge the soul of Henry Morgentaler, but it cannot be denied that the effect of his life's work has been a deadly assault upon the most helpless amongst us.
Canada glories in the names of Banting and Best, and the other medical heroes who selflessly brought healing where there was disease and suffering. Now it honours with the Order of Canada a medical man who has brought not healing, but the destruction of the defenseless and immeasurable grief. This award must not stand.
I earnestly appeal to all who are tempted to resort to an abortionist, or are pressured to do so by those around them. I urge you to contact organizations such as Birthright, and others who will support you and love you and your precious child. Contact your parish. We are here for you. I pledge to you the support of the Catholic Church. Look to our archdiocesan website at for information concerning places where you may find loving help.For those who have had an abortion, and bear within your heart the fearful grief, I urge you to contact us, to find love and support in your anguish, and in the Sacrament of Reconciliation, to find the gift of inner peace.
I ask the faithful of the Archdiocese of Toronto, and all people of good will, to protest this act of dishonour. Write, phone, or e-mail the Governor General, the Prime Minister, and your Member of Parliament. Ask that this action be revoked.
This coming Sunday will be a day of special prayer in the Archdiocese of Toronto, for an end to the evil of abortion. I have asked that the following prayer be inserted in the Prayer of the Faithful in all the churches of the archdiocese:"That the scourge of abortion be lifted from our land, that those who promote it may be brought to a change of heart, that all who are tempted to abortion may be lovingly helped to protect the precious gift of life, and that all who have experienced an abortion may be comforted with the healing gift of love."
Interview with Toronto Archbishop Collins
"pray with fervor for Dr. Morgentaler"
By John-Henry WestenTORONTO, July 2, 2008 (
By John-Henry WestenTORONTO, July 2, 2008 (
- In a press conference today, Henry Morgentaler, Canada's most notorious abortionist, accused the Catholic Church of stirring up violence against abortionists, while hostile reporters questioned Toronto Archbishop Thomas Collins on whether he was encouraging people to "yell and scream" about the conferral of the award on Morgentaler.However, while the pro-life movement is indeed outraged by Morgentaler being named to the Order of Canada, there has also been to call to pray for a change of heart for the abortionist such as happened to prominent US abortionist and abortion activist, Dr. Bernard Nathanson. On Sunday Pope Benedict XVI inaugurated the Jubilee Year of St. Paul. The author of several books of the New Testament, Paul was at one time a prominent persecutor of Christians and was responsible for numerous killings, most famously that of St. Stephen. After a dramatic conversion, however, Paul went on to become one of Christianity's greatest champions.Campaign Life Coalition President Jim Hughes has called on all pro-lifers to pray that Henry Morgentaler may have a conversion like that of St. Paul. Sources have informed that these prayers are urgently needed as Morgentaler is said to be gravely ill with perhaps only weeks to live. That appears to explain why his supporters on the Order of Canada Advisory Committee were so determined to sneak his award through over long holiday weekend, by passing normal process and offending millions of Canadians.Toronto Archbishop Thomas Collins, who yesterday issued a statement strongly opposing Morgentaler being awarded the Order of Canada, told in an interview today that he would "earnestly support" such a prayer campaign."I certainly think we should always pray for that (Morgentaler's conversion)," said the Archbishop. "I think that is really where our great concentration should be."The Archbishop added, "Certainly we should be helping and providing alternatives for women who are being pressured and tempted to an abortion, and giving great love and care for those who have had them so we can reach out in love and help. But prayer is at the heart of it all. The most important thing is to pray."Praying for his conversion is no sign of weakness, nor does it prohibit speaking out strongly against Morgentaler's actions, indicated the Archbishop. The Toronto Archbishop told, "Henry Morgentaler represents something that is a great tragedy in our nation. This honoring of him is something which is so sad - how have we come to this? What he has pursued in his life, his life's work, represents such a terrible affliction for our nation as a whole, when those who are most vulnerable are treated that way and it is celebrated. What does it say about our nation?"Nevertheless, the Archbishop said, "I think we should really pray with great love and great fervour for Dr. Morgentaler and others who are, for whatever reason, are so intent on advancing this terrible reality (abortion) that they may turn back from that. And there are cases where this has happened in the States - Dr. Nathanson and others who have turned away from that."
Pastors' Reservations and Coordinator'sResponses
(1) Pastor: My brother, God has called you to prolife, but He has called me to soul winning.Royce: Pastor, God has called each of His sons and daughters to join you in winning souls-and, similarly, He has called each of us to be a good neighbor, to aid those in urgent need, and to embrace what He called "undefiled religion"- caring for orphans and widows. Inasmuch as fathers have no legal voice to prevent abortions, preborn Americans have no father defender and are legal orphans, with only the Church, you and me, to look to for a defense. Thousands of them, the most innocent of our fellow citizens, die daily, and what is our response to their silent screams? Is not their blood crying out to us, as innocent blood cried out to Biblical Israel? On our soil, what was God's eventual solution when the Church refused to expose and confront institutional slavery? A catastrophic Civil War ended that evil practice. [Today, brutal terrorists from the same region that subdued ancient Israel and (later) Judah may inflict unspeakable suffering and loss on our nation. Has not America, on our watch, become a violent, terrorist nation against the unborn?]
Thus, what duties do we have, pastor, that are more compelling than our firm resolve to end the most evil and deadly siege our nation has faced? How can we hope for revival in the Church if we do not strive to "rescue those led away to slaughter"? Will not God strengthen our evangelistic labors if we have heart for the defenseless unborn and their mothers? The churchmen on the Samaritan road, who passed on the other side, were unmindful of God's priority. Are we not committing the same spiritual blunder?
(2) Pastor: Mr. Dunn, we're a praying church, and we believe prayer, rather than public demonstrations, is the solution to legalized abortion. Don't you agree?
Royce: Pastor, kindly permit me to disagree. Would God use our prayers to feed our starving neighbors when we have the food but will not deliver it? In fact, given our record of apathy, God may already deem our prayers a stench in His nostrils, much as He did Israel and Judah's prayers, as related to us by the prophets. If we care to know where unwanted local children are killed, we can go to the death centers and see the mothers enter and then exist in despair, without their babies. Across our nation, the killing centers are often within earshot of multiple churches, yet few pastors have gone or asked their people to go to the centers to pray and counsel.
Truly prayer is vital to Christian living. Christ, our divine model, prayed all night. We are to "pray without ceasing." Moses prayed and fasted 40 fays. But prayer cannot substitute for action God requires of us. You know the 25th Chapter of Matthew, Pastor. Christ will one day judge the nations and separate the sheep from the goats. By what criteria will He distinguish a sheep from a goat? Important as prayer is, it is not referenced in Matthew 25. Rather, Christ tells us, "I was hungry and you fed me. I was thirsty and you gave me drink. I was a stranger and you invited me in. I was naked and you clothed me." The sheep give heart to urgent human needs, to loving their neighbors as themselves, as did the Good Samaritan. Thus, we who endeavor to follow Christ are defined most not by what we say but by what we do. Proverbs, as you recall, commands us to "rescue those led away to slaughter" and cautions us not to say we did not know about their oppression, else God will repay each of us according to what we have done. We must not "pass by on the other side." Please stand with us the laity. Your pastoral leadership is desperately needed.
(3) Pastor: Royce, we're just a small church, and we can't do everything a large church can do. We're with you in spirit and we'll pray for you, but we can't take on more tasks at this time.Royce: Pastor, another minister told me last week that because his church was large and growing rapidly that he could not possibly add abortion to his duties. Are we talking here about church size or about church purity? Did not Gideon consider his clan too weak and small to achieve a great victory for God? Did God adopt Israel because of her population and might? "Can any good come out of Nazareth?" Who can know how God wants to use you and your congregation to be a giant killer. "'Not by might nor by power, but by my spirit,' says the Lord Almighty." God may choose one of your members to turn an abortionist away from his savage practice. He may use you to reach other pastors and, ultimately, to liberate a nation from legalized abortion. The fact that you pastor a small church may prompt you to rely firmly on Christ and be a man He can use mightily. Please join the battle with us and urge other pastors to join with you. The killing must end in Yuba-Sutter. In closing: Dear friend, When meeting with pastors, your responses and mine will differ because we are different individuals. Fortunately, the Holy Spirit knows our personality, our emotions, and the guidance we each need. Let us read God's Word, commit it to our lives, and be assured God will accompany us to the churches. Yes, we pro-life activists face strong opposition, but our salvation purposed us to battle Satan's forces, as Arthur Matthews reminds us in Born for Battle. Today, our culture faces formidable enemies, both spiritual and physical. Our children, grandchildren, and friends are at serious risk. Let's do all we can to awaken the Church and preserve hope.
Most gratefully,Royce Dunn, Director of Life ChainPhone: 530-674-5068
Ministering to Pastors about Prolife
Satan has targeted our nation's pastors, to keep them occupied with duties beneath the priority of massive child killing. Most pastors do not comprehend the toll of legalized abortion unless someone, usually a layperson, witnesses to them, to help them discern the gravest curse and destroyer ever to invade our country and neutralize the Church. Pastors assume they are "prolife" and lead "pro-life" churches, which Satan quietly accepts as victory. How tragic the current spiritual stronghold!
As most Coordinators know, I experienced failure early in prolife. Not one of the 82 pastors I wrote a passionate three-page letter regarding six local abortionists (in 1985) responded initially to our small ministry's plea for help. Astounded, I went out to talk with the clergy, usually without appointments, and within 18 months each of the 82 pastors, plus other clergy, had signed a letter supportive of our mission. Not all of the pastors were firmly committed to Life, but all did sign a letter, and about half of them attended our first Life Chain in 1987. By 1991, the six local abortionists had either closed their abortion practices or moved (two of them) from our bi-county area.
What did I learn while meeting with the pastors? That they do not realize the gravity of abortion on demand and the Church's drift into détente. Yet, I also learned that pastors are willing to listen and receive ministry from passionate lay people. As a result, my mission was mainly a reply to pastors' unexamined reasons for not joining the abortion battle. Some of their reasons are entered below, with my responses. Be encouraged that a single response may win a pastor's support for your Life Chain.
Seven Reasons Why Christians should attend
1) To join a national prayer chain that seeks God's grace, mercy, and forgiveness. "If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray... [2Chron.7:14]." The 9/11 attacks and continuing threats on America are surely linked to the catastrophe of legalized abortion, as the innocent blood of America's youngest citizens-victims of unspeakable terrorism themselves-cries out for mercy and justice. If God used a horrendous civil war to end institutional slavery in America, what might He use to end legalized abortion, which threatens our nation far more severely than all foreign terrorists combined? America, currently, is one of the earth's most violent nations and will continue to be so until we the Church confess our denial and humbly defend "those led away to slaughter."
2) To better understand the impact that legalized abortion is having on our country and why the Church must unite to end it. The first and primary purpose of Life Chain is to minister to its own participants. We the Church can end legalized abortion and defeat its spiritual allies-homosexuality, pornography, cohabitation, addictions, divorce, sexual disease, etc.-in any year we commit to do so. We must move beyond abortion as "an issue" and truly value unborn children at risk. The Church's prevailing indifference to their deaths grieves God, who assured Jeremiah that He would "make" Judea captive of Babylon because "They do not plead the case of the fatherless to win it [Jeremiah5:28]."
3) To move the Church, under pastoral leadership, from the pews to the "city gates" and "market place." For decades, we have remained in our sanctuaries and either relied on rhetoric or surrendered to silence and apathy. Thus the essentiality of pastoral exhortation and guidance. Wrote Afro-American pastor Clenard Childress, Jr. in No Shepherds Cry: "The pew cannot do what the pulpit is suppose to do."
4) To both receive ministry and to minister, empowered by the Holy Spirit. If, through the Life Chain, the Church accepts the ministry God intends for His followers, He will empower us His Church to witness truth to the public with conviction, humility, and compassion.
5) To honor the many millions of preborn citizens who have perished. They have endured their brutal deaths most often alone and within earshot of church bells and pulpits. Does not their blood cry out unceasingly? Does not bloodguilt pursue us who call Christ our Lord?
6) To help build a bold and committed army of Christians who seek to be Prolife in word and deed. Let us engage the enemy until the curse of legalized abortion is vanquished from our land and America is once again a "land of the free" for preborn citizens.
7) To provide God a witness to anoint and use to save lives and change hearts in our local area. God wants to work through willing vessels, who will defend and honor His Little Ones. Let us rediscover the cardinal virtues mercy and justice-which are far greater defenders of our homeland than are our most powerful military weapons.
Coordinators: Use this as a handout, for posters, to extract quotes, or for media purposes. Canadian Coordinators will want to edit appropriately for their nation.
St. Joseph Calasanz (1556-1648)

From Aragon, where he was born in 1556, to Rome, where he died 92 years later, fortune alternately smiled and frowned on the work of Joseph Calasanz. A priest with university training in canon law and theology, respected for his wisdom and administrative expertise, he put aside his career because he was deeply concerned with the need for education of poor children. When he was unable to get other institutes to undertake this apostolate at Rome, he and several companions personally provided a free school for deprived children. So overwhelming was the response that there was a constant need for larger facilities to house their effort. Soon Pope Clement VIII gave support to the school, and this aid continued under Pope Paul V. Other schools were opened; other men were attracted to the work and in 1621 the community (for so the teachers lived) was recognized as a religious community, the Clerks Regular of Religious Schools (Piarists or Scolopi). Not long after, Joseph was appointed superior for life.
A combination of various prejudices and political ambition and maneuvering caused the institute much turmoil. Some did not favor educating the poor, for education would leave the poor dissatisfied with their lowly tasks for society! Others were shocked that some of the Piarists were sent for instruction to Galileo (a friend of Joseph) as superior, thus dividing the members into opposite camps. Repeatedly investigated by papal commissions, Joseph was demoted; when the struggle within the institute persisted, the Piarists were suppressed. Only after Joseph’s death were they formally recognized as a religious community.
A combination of various prejudices and political ambition and maneuvering caused the institute much turmoil. Some did not favor educating the poor, for education would leave the poor dissatisfied with their lowly tasks for society! Others were shocked that some of the Piarists were sent for instruction to Galileo (a friend of Joseph) as superior, thus dividing the members into opposite camps. Repeatedly investigated by papal commissions, Joseph was demoted; when the struggle within the institute persisted, the Piarists were suppressed. Only after Joseph’s death were they formally recognized as a religious community.
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Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. Mt. 5:16

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